Welcome to In10gible Innovations LLP
In10gible Innovations LLP is a full service Intellectual Property (IP) Law firm in Mumbai (Bombay), India. We are a highly client oriented firm and are focused on providing cost efficient IP legal services. In going the extra mile our practice has become the preferred choice of a large roster of domestic and international clients.
IN10GIBLE INNOVATIONS LLP is founded by Senior Patent and Trademark Attorneys and Attorneys-at-Law.
Service Provided
Intellectual Property firm manned with professionals in diverse
areas of technology including engineering, telecommunications, software, electronics, chemistry, pharmaceuticals, life
sciences and not to mention lawyers with expertise in all spheres
of IP.
The firms IP team provides legal services designed to protect
clients' patents, trademarks, copyrights, industrial designs,
geographical indications, plant varieties, domain names and
semiconductor IC layouts